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Frequently Asked Questions

Our clients often have questions about Polyurea itself as well as the coatings process.

FAQs and Answers:

Polyurea is a type of elastomer created with step-growth polymerization of synthetic resin and an isocyanate component. It is often used as an alternative coating to epoxy or resin for concrete or steel. Due to its chemical makeup, it is resistant to water, heat, and other chemicals, making it the superior choice to protect floors.

Yes, all of our residential work comes with a 15-year transferable warranty to protect your floors and your investment. If you experience any warping, fading, or discoloration, our team will replace your flooring.

Polyurea is the best concrete coating on the market due to its durability and versatility, but only when it is applied correctly. Our team is expertly trained not only in the coatings process but also in floor preparation to ensure your coating adheres and cures properly.

Luckily, we’ve created a comprehensive floor preparation guide to help you understand the process before we coat your floor. All YOU need to do is clear away the items on your floor before our team arrives. This includes any vehicles, stored possessions, and shelving. If you have any questions or concerns, dont hesitate to reach out to a member of our team.

We love a challenge and helping our customers with their interesting projects. We’ve worked with a diverse array of clients in Central Virginia. From firehouses and manufacturing plants to wedding venues, we’ve coated rooms with many functions. Reach out to our team with your project details to get your FREE Fortress quote today.

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Your Concrete Coatings Installation Specialists