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Concrete Floor Coatings in One Day

At Fortress Floors Virginia, we don’t take shortcuts when we work on residential and commercial concrete flooring. Our Polyurea Based Foundation and Polyaspartic Topcoat are 4x stronger than a traditional Epoxy Coating. Additionally, we have a thorough preparation process that helps ensure superior adhesion of our concrete floor coatings. This prep work ensures the concrete surface is in premium condition when we move to the next phase. We work efficiently to complete the work while still maintaining high standards. Our expert team will ensure the area is prepped properly so you get the best results and a concrete flooring coating that will last for many years. Call us today to discuss your project, to learn more about the preparation process or set up your Free Estimate.

Ryan prepping floor with grinder

What to Expect From Our Floor Prep Process

If you’re curious about what our preparation services consist of, we’ve got the answers for you. The goal of this process is to ensure the concrete is completely ready for coating. We don’t cut corners and do everything possible to make sure our work exceeds our customers’ expectations. During the prepping process, we’ll do all of the following:

  • Grind the Concrete Surface: We use a diamond-bit Lavina grinder to create a coarse and porous surface and remove any weak or deteriorated concrete. Our grinders feature three wheels that work in unison to open the pores of your concrete. We will also use hand grinders to prepare detailed areas and vertical surfaces.
  • Contain All Concrete Dust: We attach a high-powered vacuum to each grinder to prevent large quantities of dust from spreading throughout your garage. We’re proud of our ability to prep your area without creating an unnecessary mess.
commercial space with concrete coated floor
  • Remove Contaminants: Concrete can absorb contaminants such as oil, grease, and gas. When they have penetrated deep, we use a degreaser to lift oil from the concrete. Our coating is formulated with an oil base, so the coating will still bond appropriately.
  • Remove latent layer: The main purpose of grinding the surface of your concrete is to remove the latent layer that formed when the slab was originally cured. This layer has minimal pores and is the weakest layer of the concrete. It is vital to remove it before coating the slab. The latent layer is about 1/16th of an inch thick, so we’ll grind to that depth to remove it fully.
new porch

You Can Expect Excellence From Our Prep Team

If you’re ready to discuss a new floor coating for your home or business, call Fortress Floors Virginia. Our product and process has been proven for over 20 years. More importantly, we are a family-owned company that understands our customers’ needs. We’ll ensure your area is thoroughly prepped before we begin work to give you the best results possible.

Protect Your Space

Your Concrete Coatings Installation Specialists